#63. Packing - October 2012

I’ve started packing my bad for the hospital.  What do you pack to take for a three day stay where you will mostly be feeling poorly? New pajamas of course!  And a robe and slippers.  But will I want to listen to music?  A friend made me a beautiful funky pillowcase, so I’m taking that with my pillow.  Will I want to read?  What books?  I decided on The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein.  I haven’t read it for a long time, and it is a very absorbing book.

I have seen a lot of people lately and a lot of people are asking me if I am nervous.  Well, I may not have been nervous the other day but after twenty-five people ask you if you are nervous, you can start to feel nervous!  I also say that I am looking forward to this actually happening. 

I keep thinking about the person who is sick with kidney disease…they are packing and getting ready for surgery, and they are excited and hopeful that their life is going to change for the better.  With that in mind, I’m nervous but also excited too, that I get to be part of this.

I’m also running around being super busy trying to get myself organized to leave work and to have the house in some semblance of order.  There are tasks I want to do before winter comes (take in some plants, plant some bulbs, store the lawn furniture), and I know that after my surgery I won’t be picking up heavy things for some time, so I’m trying to check things off the physical to-do list. 

And I am worried about catching a cold!  If I am sick they may postpone the surgery, and that would be terribly disappointing for everyone!  So I am drinking lots of fruit juice and avoiding anyone who looks like they might be sniffly!